Who doesn't love working with puppies, kittens and fluffy bunnies?

"CreativeFuse brings so much to the table! First, they have become valued partners in my business. I am NOT a number or 'just' a client. They bring personality and personability to the table. Their team listens to my concerns. They articulate theirs well to me. I feel like they have dug down in deep next to me with a goal of making my small business successful. I am so grateful they are part of my professional team."
— Danielle Rastetter, Owner
We can’t tell you how cool it is to be able to work with a brand centered around pets. We first started working with Danielle, Chief Veterinarian and Owner of Pets in Stitches, back in 2014. Her kindred and warm-hearted spirit was definitely one of the first things we noticed. Pets In Stitches is an affordable, all-inclusive, surgery and dental care clinic. They also now offer wellness services! In our early discussions we were exploring how to improve her already existing brand. Kudos by the way, to whomever created the initial logo! If you ever find yourself reading this please don’t hesitate to reach out, we’d love to give you credit! We still pay homage to the paw prints when we can. Anywho, we began small with enhancing some of their collateral pieces and digging into their analytics and research performed thus far.
How do you maximize an already existing brand?
It wasn’t until a few years later, that Danielle was ready to take her website to the next level. We did it right by starting with her core messaging and focusing on her primary audiences. We knew it wasn’t going to be hard to increase usability of the existing site, but we didn’t want to just create a website. Yes, we can simply create a website, but the real engagement and success comes from continuing to iterate and nurture your website. Danielle valued and resonated with this philosophy, so we set out together to accomplish just that. We continue to this day to improve their site. In doing so, we maintain the site monthly and provide quarterly reports and recommendations of real user data and analytics, with the use of tools like Hotjar, ManageWP and Google Analytics. Since then we’ve also supported her with creating campaign strategies, building email templates and we continue to craft a variety of designs for their brand.
We respect the hell out of Danielle and her ability to prioritize where she spends her marketing dollars. We’ve had several conversations where we’ve needed to step back and determine priorities with her and every time we do we grow closer together! The icing on the cake for us is that some of our team members who have pets have benefited from this relationship in a real way too! We cherish this friendship and will continue to do so for years to come.
View the website at